Quick Little Update

    Just a quick update to fill everybody in. I'm not doing any more of the crafting posts as my last two weren't that interesting to y'all which is fine. I'll stick to making crafts and writing about real life stuff. :) And I'll try to keep this blog post brief for you.
     Most of you already know, but my mama had a health scare a few days ago. She had some seizures and ended up in the hospital. They did a bunch of tests and diagnosed her with pneumonia also. Unfortunately they still didn't figure out what caused the seizures. Now she's in the process of recovery and not having much fun. Thankfully Karissa is there and able to make sure she actually rests and gets better.
     Jacob and I are super blessed to be part of a church plant called Remnant with our friends Holly and Israel. Jacob has been a huge part of worship with his super awesome guitar skills and also helping out with the social media aspect, too. The Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to lead the kiddos. We are small, but mighty, and God has big plans for us.
     We also just finished a 5 day marriage challenge on Facebook with about 8,000 other people, led by Jeff and Alyssa Bethke--awesome relationship authors you should check out if you get the chance. It was really simple stuff, but it really helped change some things for us. (Check out their books 31 Ways to Encourage Him/Her...they are awesome and helpful in boosting your marriage relationship.)
     Jacob and I are in the process of trying to buy a house.  We went through all the work with our mortgage guy and sat down with our realtor (also the guy who married us, whom I've known forever and a day). We've looked at a few houses, but haven't found the right one yet. Praying the Lord would lead us to the right house quickly or show us what to do. We have until early March to find a house to make an offer on, or we go month-to-month in our apartment. The Lord knows what He is doing, no matter how frustrating things seem. In the meantime, we are packing and purging in faith that He will come through.
     My depression has been kicking my butt the last few weeks. Lots of stresses, good stuff and bad stuff and trying to find a good balance. I'm trying to alter my eating patterns to see if that helps. So far I'm getting easily frustrated with pretty much everything and discouraged about the silliest things. Jacob has been very supportive as usual and I'm thankful.
     Ollie is getting big, nearly 40 pounds now. He is gonna be a big one. He is still cute as ever, but developing more of a rebellious streak. Despite the scratches and hissing, Ollie still loves to antagonize Jingles, just like most little brothers (I swear sometimes they are basically Odie and Garfield, but Jingles just eats a lot less). He has also gotten to the point where we are able to leave him out, no more kennel, when we are gone without him really eating anything! He stays out at night, too, and snuggles up in bed with us. Sometimes he is a pain in the butt, but I love him so much. My little snuggle bug.

     Anyway, that's all for now. Just wanted to give you all a quick update with what was going on in our lives. We love you all! And if there's something you would like to see me blog about, comment and let me know! I'm always looking for good ideas.


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