Survival Guide-First 2019 Post

It's July already and I haven't blogged this year. At all. To be perfectly honest, this year started off super crappy with my mental health and continued getting worse. I didn't want to blog, didn't feel like I had anything to say. And I didn't want anyone to know what was really going on. Hence the lack of blog posts for 2019. To make a long story....well who am I kidding. It's going to be long. I don't write short posts. This is your warning! :) My depression was the worst it has ever been. I found no joy or pleasure in anything. I was constantly battling negativity and all the voices in my head telling me all the ways I wasn't enough. A few months ago I started having suicidal thoughts. I was starting to believe everyone would be better off without me. While I never went so far as to make a plan for ending my life, I was constantly haunted by the thought. One night in particular will stay in my memory forever. I was d...