The Age Old Question for Writers

Probably one of the toughest things writers deal with is the question, "Well, what do I write about?" Ideas don't always come smacking ya in the face. Sometimes they are hidden, or waiting for the right moment. Other times, I swear, it's like they don't even exist. I haven't been blogging as much because frankly I'm not sure what to write about! It is so frustrating, especially when one of my goals is to write more. How do I write more when I don't know what to write about? That's when I looked back at all my past blog posts and realized that the posts with the most views were all mini snapshots of my life with Jacob and our fur babies. It's the pain-filled posts, the real-life stuff. So in light of that discovery, that is what I'm going to try and stick with (unless of course I write a really epic short story). I will give another quick update on our little family. Most of you know, but we had to put Jingles down last week. She ...