The Hippo Stool
Since I've started getting ready for this craft fair in October, I always have my eyes open for anything I can paint or repurpose. A few days ago at Goodwill I found a small stool for 3 dollars. It had a little boy's name on it and a big, smiling hippo. My hope when I bought it was that I would just be able to spray some white primer over it and paint what I wanted. Upon getting home I realized it would take several coats and might not even cover it fully. I dug through Jake's toolbox until I found some heavy duty sandpaper and set to work. At first it was slow going, but soon enough I had one full side done. It was hard. After a few consistent hours I had only managed to finish half the top and the edges and I was covered in paint dust. My fingers were raw and the sandpaper was all worn out, but the stool didn't look the same- even though I wasn't finished with it yet. Suddenly it wasn't just a stool with a hippo anymore. I could see all the possibility o...