
Showing posts from August, 2017

One Million Shells

    A while back I promised to do a post about a Jesus moment I had when we were on our honeymoon. It's been a long time coming, but I finally wrote it! Enjoy! I'll try to keep it short.      It was probably the third day or so when the lady running the place we were staying suggested a we visit a special beach. She called it Norman Beach. It was a private beach and a little odd at first. It was hidden away behind all kinds of crazy twists and turns we took precariously in our golf cart. At the bottom of a steep hill was the entrance to Norman Beach. We walked past a hollowed out house with old items left inside, down some rocks  and a few rickety boards, past a paddle boat and some other washed up items. Then there we were, standing in our own little private paradise. To the left was big rocks and beautiful trees, a few vines and flowers. Above, the warm and glorious sun. To the right, nothing but ocean and island. The beach itself was unlike anything I ...

"I don't even have a pla-"

      Most of you know this already, but about a week ago I finished the last classes I needed to complete my bachelor's degree. It's been a very long process, but I am so thrilled to be done! Now I just wait for my diploma and cap to come in the mail. Whenever anyone hears I've finished my degree, their favorite question to ask is : "Well, what now?" No matter who asks, I try to answer honestly. "You know, I'm not really sure. I'm just taking it one day at a time." The following are my favorite responses:  You have to get a Master's degree. A Bachelor's degree will do you no good. Become a teacher. I hear they make a lot of money. Just don't be one of those people who wastes their degree.  So...why English? You mean, you don't have a plan? English majors never make any money. Now that you're done, when are you planning on leaving Starbucks? You really need to go live overseas and teach English. Like in Japan or so...

Marriage isn't cake, but sometimes I eat cake for breakfast

    Believe me, I do realize I've only been married six months, but I have learned a few things in that time that I wanted to share. :) I'm sure all my married friends can relate.     Here are the Top 10 Marriage Lessons in the last six months. 10. Your spouse doesn't always appreciate your sleeping position. Especially when you take up most of the bed and the blankets. 9. Sometimes you have to step into their world and do what they love, even if you're not that interested. Like eat sushi or play Pokémon Go. 8. You don't have to do everything together. In fact, time apart is a great idea. Like, honey I love ya, but I need some quiet time. 7. Have tickle fights and wrestling matches. :) 6. Be little kids together. Eat too much ice cream. Watch Disney movies. Swing on the swings at the park. Have a good old fashioned foot race. 5. Talk about the hard stuff . This has been one of the hardest for me, but something I'm working on. 4. F...