Rarely Does Vacation Change Your Life

I've been so excited to write this blog post for the past two weeks and now I can! Jacob and I are back from our honeymoon in the US Virgin Islands and we have so many stories to tell! (Although if I told them all, this would be the longest blog post in history. If you want to know more, just ask an we will be happy to share.) Going into this vacation, we did not expect to have our lives changed, but we did. There is something about this little corner of paradise that is almost magical. It's as if the rest of the world does not exist there. (Borrowed this pic from Google...) See what I mean? This is Honeymoon Beach (ironic, no?) where we spent most of our time. It is the favorite beach on Water Island where we stayed, just a fifteen minute ferry ride from St. Thomas. We made friends with locals and tourists alike and became regulars at a little beach bar called Dinghy's. We got sunburned, went kayaking, swam and soaked in the ...