Why a Boyfriend Doesn't Solve Your Problems
Growing up, especially in those mid to late adolescent years, with our hormones all over the place, we fully believe a boyfriend will solve all our problems. Usually at that time of life, we are trying to figure out who we are and coping with a million and five changes. Often we don't like what we see in the mirror. We compare ourselves with friends or the society models on television or in magazines. We are unhappy with what we see and how we feel. We begin to point out everything we believe to be wrong with us and wallow in how horrible and ugly we are and how nobody could ever love us. Enter what I call the "Magic Boyfriend Duct Tape Belief". In other words, we convince ourselves that having a boyfriend will allow us to finally feel good about who we are. We will no longer struggle with insecurity issues and will live the rest of our days happy with rainbows over our heads and stars in our eyes. Okay maybe that's a little dramatic, but don't tell me you ha...