Everyone should have a journal
I don't know about all of you, but I love journaling. I probably have twenty or so full journals in a box and usually have about three going (for different things). I love writing and I love words. About the time I was ten or eleven I started keeping a journal, mostly of silly little things like someone's birthday party or how mad someone had made me. Then as I got older, the journaling changed a little. It included more of what God was teaching me and the parts of life that I could not figure out. Now I journal a little less than I used to, but it is far more intentional now than it ever used to be. I love looking back on old entries to see where I have come from and all that God is teaching me. I love being able to see the challenges I faced and eventually conquered and the things I am still learning how to deal with. I don't know, there is just something about being able to look back and reminisce on the faithfulness of God and know that He is still that sam...