Introverts: Real People and How to Deal with Them

If my blog's title didn't quite give it away, I am an introvert by nature. I used to resent it frequently, but I have come to accept myself that way. (I am still working on what comes after acceptance, but that's another story.) Anyway, a few days ago I was talking with my Mom about my being an introvert and just how I deal with people in general. She said that most people don't know how to handle introverts and are sometimes (perhaps even unconsciously) afraid of them. So I wanted to take this opportunity to explain introverts to you and a little about how to handle them--you know, so it's less scary next time you encounter one. 1. Introverts don't hate people. It's a common thought that introverts just don't like people, but it isn't true! Most introverts love being with people, just not all the time. And it's typically easier when it is one-on-one or just a small group of people. Anything larger tends to cr...